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If so, what and how(if this question perplexes you what I mean is which bird Pokemon in competitive are better in doubles instead of singles)? Their moveset would be nice.

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I get that they are birds but what I don't get is how
I mentioned them because I thought you might think they were birds. You don't have to use them if you don't want to.
I know they are birds
But what about the others
LIke any other regional bird, or any other bird, tops?

1 Answer

3 votes
Best answer

Gen 8
The only bird Pokemon that's significantly more viable in doubles OU than singles OU is Porygon2, mostly because Porygon2 is a trick room setter. In singles, a trick room user would have to use trick room and then switch out, which gives the abuser only 3 turns to abuse it. This is still true in doubles, but the player can also have an abuser on the field when the setter uses trick room, and this abuser would have 4 turns. This makes trick room (and many of its setters) much more viable in doubles than singles.

Bird Pokemon that are viable in both singles and doubles include both Zapdos forms and Pelipper.

Gen 9
No bird Pokemon are a lot more viable in doubles OU than singles OU, but Iron Bundle is banned in singles. This is because single battles have only one opponent on the field at a time, so fast offensive Pokemon like Iron Bundle can sweep just by outspeeding and OHKOing that one opponent. Protect, icy wind, trick room, and tailwind are also less effective in singles, making Iron Bundle more difficult to check.

Bird Pokemon that are viable in both singles and doubles include Kantonian Zapdos, Galarian Moltres, and Pelipper.

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digiduck for the win!! Iron Bundle is quite inconsistent with Hydro Pump & Icy Wind, so be aware if you want to use it