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It is my understanding that the Teal Mask DLC reintroduced tons of competitively good Pokemon, and I would like some examples of these Pokemon. I would also like to know in which ways these Pokemon are viable.

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Every format (including but not limited to ZU, LC, Monotype, Doubles OU, and OMs) has its own set of competitively viable Pokemon. At this point, all we know is that it's not VGC, and it might be OU just because OU is one of the more popular formats.
Im just wondering generally what are the most viable pokemon
Ribombee is really good too because it's the fastest Sticky Web setter. I heard Shiftry got a nice boost with Wind Rider + Tailwind.
I dont know much about competitive formats, so I guess more specifically Doubles OU then

3 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

With Empoleon gaining Competitive after all these years, Ribombee's fast and hard hitting Special Attacks, and Gliscor's great Attack, great Speed, and great Defense, there are many Pokemon reintroduced in the Teal Mask DLC that can be good in competitive.

First of all, let's start with Empoleon..after almost 20 years of sitting with Defiant, it gained the new ability Competitive. With a pretty good typing and some nice stats and decent bulk, you can make use of this Pokemon. Here is a moveset you could try:

Empoleon (M) @ Leftovers / Life Orb
Ability: Competitive
Tera: Grass / Flying
EVs: 252 Def / 200 SpA / 52 SpD
Nature: Modest
- Hydro Pump
- Flash Cannon
- Ice Beam
- Tera Blast (Grass/Flying)
Note: Empoleon can only be obtained in SV if you have Pokemon HOME and transfer it.

Next is Ribombee, with it having great Special Attack and Speed, and being able to get Sticky Web, you can really slow down your opponents team. You could try a moveset like this:

Ribombee (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Shield Dust
Tera: Ground
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Nature: Timid
- Tera Blast (Ground) / Dazzling Gleam
- Bug Buzz
- Draining Kiss
- Quiver Dance / Sticky Web

Then there is Gliscor, he has decent Atk and Spe while having great Def. He also has a typing with only two weaknesses, x2 to Water and x4 to Ice. You could try a moveset like this:

Gliscor (M) @ Life Orb / Expert Belt / Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal / Hyper Cutter
Tera: Steel
EVs: 252 Atk / 100 Def / 156 Spe OR 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 Def
Nature: Adamant
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Tera Blast (Steel) / Poison Jab
- Toxic Spikes

Another Sinnoh starter that got a buff is Torterra, with it having great HP, Atk, and Def you can make this think put some use because it got SHELL SMASH! You could try a moveset like this:

Torterra (M) @ Leftovers / White Herb
Ability: Shell Armor
Tera: Rock
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Nature: Adamant
- Earthquake
- Shell Smash / Iron Defense
- Iron Head
- Body Press / Tera Blast (Rock)

And the final Pokemon I will cover is Alolan Ninetales. With Ninetales being reintroduced in the DLC, It's Alolan form comes along. With Snow Warning and good Spe and Spd, you can make good use of this Pokemon. You can try a moveset like this:

Ninetales-Alola (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Snow Warning
Tera: Water
EVs: 252 Spe / 128 SpD / 128 SpA
Nature: Timid / Modest
- Ice Beam
- Moonblast
- Auroua Veil
- Tera Blast (Water)
Note: Alolan Ninetales can only be obtained in SV if you have Pokemon HOME and transfer it.

There is some Pokemon that I did not mention on this list because 1) It would be such a long answer and 2) because I can't list every Pokemon that is good (from the DLC) in one answer.

Hope I helped!

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What format is this? It doesn't look like Doubles OU.
I really appreciate your answer and I am glad you went the extra mile to include movesets as well!
@sumwun I did not realize this was Doubles OU, I was thinking Gen 9 Singles OU, sorry about that
@Aries Your welcome!
What threats are each of the tera blasts intended to cover?
Empoleon: Grass is for Ground or Flying for Fighting
Ribombee: Ground for everything expect Flying
Gliscor: Steel for Ice
Torterra: Rock for everything
Ninetales: Water for Fire
Tera blast should not be used to cover defensive weaknesses. For example, when Gliscor Teras to steel, it's not weak to ice, and earthquake does plenty of damage to ice Pokemon, so it doesn't need coverage against ice anymore. These are some examples of good tera blast users (from the pre-DLC metagame):
Hisuinian Lilligant uses ghost tera blast to cover psychic and ghost, which resist fighting.
Therian Thundurus uses flying tera blast to gain a double STAB in addition to its electric STAB, or it uses ice tera blast to cover grass, ground, and dragon, which resist electric.
Polteageist uses fighting tera blast to cover normal and dark, which resist ghost.
Sandy Shocks uses ice tera blast to cover grass, ground (especially Landorus), and dragon, which resist its original STAB moves.
Unless the current metagame somehow makes defensive tera blast users viable, tera blast should be used to gain double STABs or cover things that resist your other STAB moves. If your Tera type doesn't do either of those things, simply don't use tera blast. It's a waste of a move slot if you decide to Tera another Pokemon on your team.
3 votes

Overall, the most impactful new Pokémon added are the different Ogerpon forms. Other Pokémon have also made impacts like Kommo-o, Sinistcha, and Milotic. Weather setters like Politoed, Ninetales-Alola, and Ninetales have also seen some use. But arguably what’s been most impactful to the metagame are some of the new moves for older Pokémon, with stuff like grassy glide returning.


Hearthflame, Wellspring, and Cornerstone Ogerpon
These guys are pretty easy to slap into teams. They got good natural speed, benefit from Grassy Terrain (via one of the most used Fake Out user), and immune to Amoonguss.

Bloodmoon Ursaluna
Outside of Trick Room, this mon got quite a bit of threats that could punish it. In Trick Room, it is just as threatening as a full HP Eruption or Psy Spam. Not having to worry about Spore is a plus.


1 vote

Here is a list of useful competitive Pokemon from the DLC

  • Gliscor, to set up toxic spikes
  • ogerpon every form is allowed exept for Hearthflame and ogerpon + tera = OP
  • Ribombee is The fastest sticky web creater
  • Fezandipiti has good stats and can learn tailwind
    That is all, Hope this helped you
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Thank you
these probably aren't all. Also, he said REintroduced, not generally all Pokémon in the DLC.
These were just 4 examples I knew had potential
then that should've been a comment, not an answer