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Let’s say you immediately Terastillize and use Ivy Cudgel in a battle. Well, the boost is 2X because of a Terastillization into the user’s type, or 200BP, right? Oh wait, the masks give a 1.2X boost to attacks. Okay? And Embody Aspect does something that might further boost it, or maybe not. Would that mean Embody Aspect gives Ivy Cudgel an additional boost? Or not. I have no idea how Embody Aspect completely works. Please help. Can you explain all the boosts? And if the boost is different for each form, please separate each form. Thanks in advance!

embody aspect just gives you +1 attack in fire form, +1 defense in rock form, +1 special attack in blue form, and +1 speed in green form
Actually Embody Aspect raises the blue form’s SpDef by one stage. I should know since I use the OP boosts of everything Ogerpon gives to sweep in OU.
I didn't want to convert this into an answer so i'll make a comment.

Tera into Fire gives x2 boost to all Fire Attacks
Fire STAB 50% boost
+1 Atk from Tera
252 Atk
It will do at least 524 damage (tested on 252 Hp Snorlax)

I don't think this is the answer to what you are asking, but it might help find the answer.
yeah i meant to put spdef
Cinderclod, isn’t tera x2 boost already stab. Wouldn’t it be
Hearth flame mask:
X2 from Tera stab
X1.2 from mask boost
X1.5 from attack stage
So if we’re considering base power equivalent, we would be looking at 360 BP?
And for everything else it would be equivalent to 240 BP right?
+Attack stages don’t affect the move’s BP, just the Pokémon’s attack stats. Another thing, no wonder Ogerpon-Hearthflame mask is banned in OU.

1 Answer

3 votes
Best answer

Double for Hearthflame, 4/3 or approximately 1.3x for the other masks.

Since you're asking for damage, let's just use Hearthflame Mask, which is the only attack-boosting Embody Aspect form. The mask gives 1.2x damage, but since both Tera and non-Tera Hearthflame-Ogerpon have the Hearthflame Mask, it doesn't affect the results. Ivy Cudgel has 100 BP (high crit ratio), x2 from the same-type STAB Terastal bonus or 1.5x from normal STAB (since Ivy Cudgel changes types according to form, guaranteeing STAB all the time), and +1 Atk from Embody Aspect.

  • 252 Atk Hearthflame Mask Mold Breaker Ogerpon-Hearthflame Ivy Cudgel vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Arceus: 159-187 (41.7 - 49%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
  • +1 252 Atk Hearthflame Mask Tera Fire Ogerpon-Hearthflame-Tera Ivy Cudgel vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Arceus: 316-374 (82.9 - 98.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

The first calc uses 1.5x STAB, which almost hits 50%. The second calc uses 2x STAB and +1, which is effectively x3. Since 3 is two times 1.5, the second calc hits almost 100%, double the output of the first calc. Ultimately, this means that Terastallized Ogerpon-Hearthstone deals twice as much damage as non-Tera with Ivy Cudgel. If you use the Wellspring or Cornerstone masks, the STAB bonus of 2x from Terastallization compared to non-Terrastalized 1.5x deals 4/3 times the damage.

For your second question, Embody Aspect is an ability that only takes place after Terastallizing Ogerpon. Before Terastallization, Ogerpon can have the following three abilities depending on form:

  • Teal: Defiant
  • Wellspring: Water Absorb
  • Hearthflame: Mold Breaker
  • Cornerstone: Sturdy

After Terastallizing Ogerpon, it will replace any of those four abilities with the ability Embody Aspect, which just raises one stat by one stage depending on form:

  • Teal: Speed
  • Wellspring: Special Defense
  • Hearthflame: Attack
  • Cornerstone: Defense

You can only Terastallize each form depending on their original typing, so each form can only have one possible Tera Type instead of 18:

  • Teal: Grass
  • Wellspring: Water
  • Hearthflame: Fire
  • Cornerstone: Rock

Ogerpon Bulbapedia and Embody Aspect Bulbapedia.

Hope I helped!

edited by
That sounds right
It's 1.5 before Tera, so if you go from 1.5 to 2, the ratio is 2 / 1.5 = 1.3333.
Oh, I see what you mean. Yes, it boosts STAB by 4/3 after Terastallizing. Once you multiply the +1/1.5x from Embody Aspect, you get x2.
Embody aspect raises a defense stat for the other 2 masks, so it shouldn't affect damage.
Mb, was thinking about Hearthflame. Yes, 1.3x~ damage for the other two masks. I'll edit that in now.