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I need the fire stone in Shield because I need a fire type for one of my team members, Arcanine( I have the DLC).
I also need to know if a special playthrough Arcanine is not a death wish because it learns moves that could be used in a playthrough like Burn up, Flamethrower, Scorching sands, & Dragon pulse, but on the physical side, it doesn't learn any good fire STAB(unless recoil is good in a playthrough, I don't know honestly) but has better coverage than the special side like Play rough, Extreme speed, Close combat, Crunch, Iron head, & Psychic fangs, so I'm torn(By the way,all the other fire stone are not for Galar).


2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

These are all the ways to obtain the Fire Stone in SWSH

Finite methods:

  • Motostoke Riverbank (Wild area), in the southwest, in a corner of the Motostoke wall
  • Potbottom Desert (Isle of Armor (DLC)), by a tree along the north wall, north of the den northeast of the entrance

Repeatable methods:

  • Lake of Outrage (Wild area), hidden recurring item, by the northeast stone
  • Bridge Field (Wild area), Digging Duo, Stamina brother
  • Tunnel to the Top (Crown Tundra (DLC)), hidden recurring item

Hope this helps!

As for your Arcanine question, Arcanine's attacking stats are both decent, so Special or Physical can both work. The only real downside to using Arcanine is its Physical stabs aren't the greatest, with Flare Blitz causing recoil and other options like Fire Fang being weaker. However, of you can look past these flaws, both could work well, and if you really want to, you could run mixed Arcanine.

selected by
There any reason you removed BA?
First of all, I thought mixed attackers are bad
Second, I am already going to breed a rowlet
Mixed attackers can work in a playthrough, if you need to resort to it (and the Pokemon can pull it off).

Why are you breeding a Rowlet?
I Like Decidueye And I Will Use It In My Playthrough.
Ah, ok. What does that have to do with Arcanine though?
No room for Chandelure
Ah. I was just providing an example of a mon that would make a better Special Attacker. But since you don't want type overlap, Arcanine can work as either or, you'll just have to look past recoil/low base power if you want to use Arcanine's Physical stabs.
Where is the Potbottom dessert
Not sure how to share images, but if you look on this map you can see the location. It's a Isle of Armor location.
0 votes

-Potbottom Desert
-Tunnel to the Top


-Mostroke Riverbank
-Lake of Outrage (behind a stone)
-Bridge Field(Digging Duo)

Source Hope this helped! Also, Physical Arcaine is probably better, but Special isn’t bad and will definitely work in a playthrough, Arcaine having a good 100 SpAtk.

edited by
What is the Potbottom dessert in Shield? Also, I only just accessed the Wild area and from my Sword playthrough, I found a fire stone but forgot where it was. That's why I asked
Do you want information for the DLC or the actual game?
Both DLC & regular