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I'll preface this by saying that prior to Generation 7, I originally had a completed Living Dex in Alpha Sapphire, but at some point I lost nearly all my numbered 'Mons with the exception of a few miscellaneous + mythicals.

I have since set out to re-complete my Living Dex with the release of the Teal Mask/Indigo Disk and the potential of previous gen remakes on the horizon.

As I have a good portion of the mythicals, I am mostly satisfied with my current collection and am only missing a few such as Arceus, Genesect, Marshadow (and anything else after Gen 7) but I don't particularly care about completing a full mythical Living Dex. Having said that, here is what I have completed so far:

  • Generation 1, including Mew
  • Generation 2, including Celebi
  • Generation 3, including Deoxys
  • Generation 6 mythicals only
  • Generation 8, minus Crown Tundra
  • Generation 9, all Paldean non-legendaries

I am looking for the most efficient combination of games needed to complete the remainder of my Dex given the games that I currently have available, and assuming that we may see a remake of a previous generation (speculated to be 2 or 5) in the near future. Also not looking to add any games I don't already have (i.e. Legends Arceus)

Here is what I own (only including Pokemon Bank/Home compatible games):

  • Pokemon X/Y
  • Pokemon OR/AS
  • Pokemon M/US/UM
  • Pokemon BD/SP
  • Pokemon Shield (Isle of Armor + Crown Tundra)
  • Pokemon Scarlet (Teal Mask + Indigo Disk)
  • Pokemon GO (although I'd like to avoid this one for Dex completion if I can help it)

Any ideas on how to proceed/which games I can eliminate from this list in order to most efficiently complete the remainder of my collection in as few games as possible? If I am able to add a few Mythicals then even better, but ultimately unnecessary.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

I wrote an answer to this ( https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/420571/what-are-the-minimum-games-needed-for-a-living-dex ), but it hasn't been updated for SV DLC yet. That said, I don't think anything changes in your circumstances -- you'll still need every game you listed except BDSP and GO. You will not be able to complete a Living Dex without Sword.
Don't you need Legends Arceus to get Sneasler, Overqwil, and Enamorus bar an event in SV?
Overquill is in the indigo disk, but yeah the other two aren't outside of that.

1 Answer

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Try using X and Y for the Gen 6 Pokémon, try US and UM for the Gen 7 Pokémon (good luck getting the mythicals, tho; you’ll need it, sadly), two save files for all the Crown Tundra Pokémon, and use, of course, Scarlet to get the Gen 9 Legends. Might want to do some Surprise Trades or try to Link Trade any extra Koraidon (would recommend one from an extra save file) for a Miraidon
If you’re looking for Legends Pokémon, SV can give you Kleavor, Ursaluna (in the form of Bloodmoon Ursaluna), Basculegion, and Overqwil, and it might give you Enamorus. Will probably have to get Legends or do a ton of Surprise Trades for Wyrdeer and Sneasler

Hope this helps! If there’s any more Pokémon needed, comment on this, and I’ll answer how to get them!

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