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I want to do a run with some of the weakest Pokemon for the DLCs, so I'd like a list of the 10 weakest final evolutions, one list for the Team Mask and one list for the Indigo Disk.


1 Answer

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Used the DB since I’m guessing it’s accurate enough for the lower BST Mons.

Teal Mask:
1: Kricketune-384
2: Ariados-400
3: Pachirisu-405
4: Sudowoodo-410
5: Furret-415
6: Mightyena-420
7: Quaqsire, Volbeat, Illumise, Magcargo-430
8: Morepeko-436
9: Arbok-448
10: Sandslash-450


Indigo Disk:
1: Smeargle-250
2: Luvdisc-330
3: Plusle, Minun-405
4: Dugtrio-425
5: Minior, Rotom (base form)-440
6: Sandslash, Granbull, Venomoth-450
7: Araquanid-454
8: Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Hitmontop-455
9: Zangoose, Seviper-458
10: Lanturn, Lumineon, Cramurupt-460


Hope this helps!

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I think this list is missing some, like Venomoth for Indigo Disk...
Venomoth made it to my notes. Must have left it out in accident. Tell me if you see anything else and I’ll check it over.
Rotom and I think that's it.
Camerupt has 460 BST as well (Indigo Disk).
Alright, this should be good. Thank you!
You’re welcome!