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planning to do another nuzlocke in fire red lg because whited to sabrina.This time I only want to use the medium good Pokemon. Here is what I define as medium good Pokemon-

  • should not have a base stat total more or equal to 500 and less than 300

Any method of calculation is fine and please don't give any links to videos because kinda a lazy guy and don't want to see a video.

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https://nuzlockeuniversity.ca/2020/08/22/pokemon-firered-leafgreen-nuzlocke-tier-list-all-pokemon-ranked/ you can refer to that link. It's basically tiering the mons in frlg to see how they perform although you'll have to do your own analysis since that link doesn't have any
I’d like to add as a site note, it’s important to remember that a Pokémon with high stats doesn’t make it good. While it’s a great place to start, abilities, moves, strategies and spreads should also be taken into consideration while making your team.

1 Answer

4 votes
Best answer

Bulbasaur - 318
Ivysaur - 405
Charmander - 309
Charmeleon - 405
Squirtle - 314
Wartortle - 405
Butterfree - 395
Beedrill - 395
Pidgeotto - 349
Pidgeot - 479
Raticate - 413
Fearow - 442
Arbok - 438
Pikachu - 320
Raichu - 485
Sandshrew - 300
Sandslash - 450
Nidorina - 365
Nidorino - 365
Clefairy - 323
Clefable - 483
Wigglytuff - 405
Golbat - 455
Oddish - 320
Gloom - 395
Vileplume - 490
Parasect - 405
Venonat - 305
Venomoth - 450
Dugtrio - 405
Persian - 440
Psyduck - 320
Golduck - 500
Mankey - 305
Primeape - 455
Growlithe - 350
Poliwag - 300
Poliwhirl - 385
Abra - 310
Kadabra - 400
Alakazam - 500
Machop - 305
Machoke - 405
Bellsprout - 300
Weepinbell - 390
Victreebel - 490
Tentacool - 335
Geodude - 300
Graveler - 390
Golem - 495
Ponyta - 410
Rapidash - 500
Slowpoke - 315
Slowbro - 490
Magnemite - 325
Magneton - 465
Farfetch'd - 352
Doduo - 310
Dodrio - 460
Seel - 325
Dewgong - 475
Grimer - 325
Muk - 500
Shellder - 305
Gastly - 310
Haunter - 405
Gengar - 500
Onix - 385
Drowzee - 328
Hypno - 483
Krabby - 325
Kingler - 475
Voltorb - 330
Electrode - 480
Exeggcute - 325
Cubone - 320
Marowak - 425
Hitmonlee - 455
Hitmonchan - 455
Lickitung - 385
Koffing - 340
Weezing - 490
Rhyhorn - 345
Rhydon - 485
Chansey - 450
Tangela - 435
Kangaskhan - 490
Seadra - 440
Goldeen - 320
Seaking - 450
Staryu - 340
Mr. Mime - 460
Scyther - 500
Jynx - 455
Electabuzz - 490
Magmar - 495
Pinsir - 500
Tauros - 490
Eevee - 325
Porygon - 395
Omanyte - 355
Omastar - 495
Kabuto - 355
Kabutops - 495
Dratini - 300
Dragonair - 420


For your convenience, here's the seven Pokemon with a BST of 500 if you don't want to look for them in the list:


Do remember that BST doesn't necessarily make a Pokemon good. For example, Chansey has a higher BST than average on this list, but it's a terrible Pokemon to use due to its rarity and low Attack and Defense. The best Pokemon on this list you could use are, in my opinion, the ones below:

Kadabra/Alakazam: Psychic types are amazing in Kanto, and Alakazam is the best of the bunch. If you can't trade, use Kadabra.
Golduck: No gift Lapras or Gyarados for your playthrough, and Golduck has the highest BST of the remaining Water Pokemon. you might not want to use it in battle, but it's a phenomenal HM slave.
Ivysaur: Ivysaur is the best starter for the early to mid game, and seeing as you can't get any fully evolved starters, Ivysaur is the most helpful until it starts dropping off around Sabrina.
Raichu: Good Speed and attacking stats, plus Electric is actually pretty helpful in Kanto. Pikachu and a Thunder Stone might be a bit tricky to get, but if you manage, then consider Raichu for the team.

Note: Gengar and Golem are also excellent if you're able to trade, but if not, Haunter and Graveler aren't exactly the best options. Obviously you should use them if you have nothing else, but their evolutions are just completely better.

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I know that chansey thing and I know the pokemon that are good