PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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So, the 5 star shiny raquaza event is upon us, and my sister wants one, but she hasn’t beaten Pokémon violets main story, and won’t be able to before the event is over. Is it possible to challenge the raid without having beaten the game? (We only have one switch, and she doesn’t have the online membership)

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I can test once the raid releases.

2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

I want to expand a little more on this.
5 star tera raids (including event 5 star raids) will start appearing immediately after you beat the "The Way Home" storyline and the credits roll. This means that unless you beat the main story, you won't be able to access your own game's event tera raids.

However, you can still join tera raids hosted by another person's game via online or local communication, allowing you to access event raids.

If joining another person's raids isn't an option, you can always connect to the Poké Portal News to receive the event raids and outbreaks, and as long as you don't connect to the Internet after the event raids end, they will remain in your game indefinitely until you connect to the Internet again. In your case, this is the best option for you if you are absolutely unable to finish the game at the current moment, since you can beat the game and catch Rayquaza at a later date.

Do note that you don't need an online membership to connect to the Internet to receive the Poké Portal News, but you do need to link a Nintendo Account (this is for those reading who may not have known this).

Hope this helped and you are able to get your Rayquaza soon!

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1 vote

According to the trailer released by the Pokémon official YouTube channel, Rayquaza raids can only be accessed after beating the main story. As far as catching one in her own game, your sister's out of luck if she can't finish the story first.
Source: YouTube. Skip to the 1:01 timestamp for details.

OK, thanks for letting me know. I do remember at one point though, I had some friends over, and one of them hadn’t beaten Pokémon violet yet, and we were hosting a raid with a five star event raid, and he was able to join and catch the Pokémon. Do you think that’s an option?
That's possible, I did that for Iron Leaves during its first run and I was carried by friends. It was my friend's raid. I have no reason to think anything different would happen here.