Granbull @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Play Rough
- Bulk Up
- Earthquake
- Roar
There are many different sets you can pull off effectively with Granbull, but this one has worked for me. It doesn't feel right not teaching moves such as Outrage & Close Combat when they're available. It's tempting to use a Flame Orb, Quick Feet & Jolly set including all it's hard hitting moves but I feel like other Fairy types like Azumarill & Mawile do a better job.
This set is designed to take hits but also get rid of threats that set up, there's been countless times where I can switch into Dragonite or Gyarados for example and Roar them out after I take a weakened hit because of Intimidate.
Play Rough
Standard main STAB move.
Bulk Up
Raises Defense and already awesome Attack to turn it into a tank
Good coverage and also takes care of Poison + Steel weaknesses
Move aside threats and their status boosts, effective with hazards up. Also get rid of walls and it's unexpected