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I know that they can increase IQ(Which I only slightly understand), and that if you make them into drinks they raise stats. Can someone explain everything there is too know about them?

They can boost stats from just eating as well

2 Answers

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Best answer

I got all my info from: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Gummi

Gummis (Japanese: グミ Gummi) are consumable items found in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. Gummis come in a variety of colors, and have varying effects based on where they are applied. In all instances, eating a Gummi will increase a Pokémon's IQ, allowing it to learn more IQ Skills, with better-tasting Gummis increasing the value by a greater amount.

Black Gummi: A food item that permanently increases the IQ of a team member. Dark-type Pokémon like it most. It also somewhat fills the Pokémon's Belly.

Blue: A food item that permanently increases the IQ of a team member. Water-type Pokémon like it most. It also somewhat fills the Pokémon's Belly.

Brown: A food item that permanently increases the IQ of a team member. Ground-type Pokémon like it most. It also somewhat fills the Pokémon's Belly.

Clear: A food item that permanently increases the IQ of a team member. Ice-type Pokémon like it most. It also somewhat fills the Pokémon's Belly.

Gold: A food item that permanently increases the IQ of a team member. Psychic-type Pokémon like it most. It also somewhat fills the Pokémon's Belly.

Grass: A food item that permanently increases the IQ of a team member. Grass-type Pokémon like it most. It also somewhat fills the Pokémon's Belly.

Gray: A food item that permanently increases the IQ of a team member. Rock-type Pokémon like it most. It also somewhat fills the Pokémon's Belly.

Green: A food item that permanently increases the IQ of a team member. Bug-type Pokémon like it most. It also somewhat fills the Pokémon's Belly.

Orange: A food item that permanently increases the IQ of a team member. Fighting-type Pokémon like it most. It also somewhat fills the Pokémon's Belly.

Pink: A food item that permanently increases the IQ of a team member. Poison-type Pokémon like it most. It also somewhat fills the Pokémon's Belly.

Purple: A food item that permanently increases the IQ of a team member. Ghost-type Pokémon like it most. It also somewhat fills the Pokémon's Belly.

Red: A food item that permanently increases the IQ of a team member. Fire-type Pokémon like it most. It also somewhat fills the Pokémon's Belly.

Royal: A food item that permanently increases the IQ of a team member. Dragon-type Pokémon like it most. It also somewhat fills the Pokémon's Belly.

Silver: A food item that permanently increases the IQ of a team member. Steel-type Pokémon like it most. It also somewhat fills the Pokémon's Belly.

Sky: A food item that permanently increases the IQ of a team member. Flying-type Pokémon like it most. It also somewhat fills the Pokémon's Belly.

Wander: When used, this item causes the user eyes to become gunky, and the user gets Blinker status. A Lookalike Item for Wonder Gummi, so be careful!

White: A food item that permanently increases the IQ of a team member. Normal-type Pokémon like it most. It also somewhat fills the Pokémon's Belly.

Wonder: A food item with a curious texture unlike any other Gummi. It permanently raises the IQ of a team member. It also somewhat fills the Pokémon's Belly.

Yellow: A food item that permanently increases the IQ of a team member. Electric-type Pokémon like it most. It also somewhat fills the Pokémon's Belly.

http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/IQ <-----That may help in understanding IQ.

0 votes

gummis allow your iq to go up especually if it is the color of your type. so lets say you got a rapidash you eat a red gummi you get more iq than if you were to eat a blue or green gummi. also if you eat enough gummis or you use spindas cafe(=explorers of sky only) you will learn a new skill to tell your teamates or you will gat a boost in stats (or both)

sources= experience with explorers of sky and pokemon explorers of darkness as well as the pokemon mystery dungeon wiki.

They also raise stats sometimes