Why has noone said ......Ludicolo :D
can have swift swim or rain dish which works as leftovers in rain so works well with leftovers
cant beet grass that easly but can work as a great wall and grass doesnt bother it
ludicolo grass water -base stats hp80 atk70 def70 spatk90 spdef100 speed70
so i would have a very annoying ludicolo
232 HP / 216 SpD / 60 Spe
rain dish
calm or modest
protect/leech seed/substitute/surf
leech seed annoys the foe as well as restores hp leftovers leech seed and rain dish meen your returning im not sure how much but rather alot maybe a quarter or more hp
then you can run substitute as well then use protect for free hp when everything set up then you can surf

or you can go for a more sweeping set
200hp 252spatk 56spdef
life orb
swift swim
energyball/surf/ice beam/focust blast or toxic
swift swim doubles speed then spatk is risen by evs ivs nature and life orb
i pefrer the wall set :D