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A Pokemon that can learn,
block and leech seed OR
block and Ingrain and Baton Pass,
apart from Smeargle, hes my plan B! So if there is no other Pokemon suggestions for smeargle regarding nature, items, other moves!


2 Answers

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Best answer

As of Generation IX:

/nds block, leechseed:
Abomasnow, Brambleghast, Bramblin, Bulbasaur, Cacnea, Cacturne, Celesteela, Chesnaught, Cradily, Exeggcute, Exeggutor, Exeggutor-Alola, Ferrothorn, Ivysaur, Smeargle, Tangrowth, Torterra, Trevenant, Venusaur

/nds block, ingrain, batonpass

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1 vote

Tangrowth is a Pokemon that can learn Block and Leech Seed, Block being learned at Level 57 and Leech Seed being learned by breeding a female Tangela/Tangrowth with a male Pokemon like Grotle, Cherubi, Servine, Roserade, or Whimsicott. (Those being just a few of the possibilities.) Tangrowth can also learn Ingrain, but sadly not Baton Pass.
