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Let's say i do Substitute with my Chandelure which has Flash Fire and that annoying Heatran does a huge Fire Blast on me, does my ability (Flash Fire) work or it just cancels itself?

No best answer on this one either, all of them are the same! xD
then upvote each ;D

4 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

Flash Fire does take effect even if you have a Substitute up, boosting it's Fire Type Moves..

Source: Experience

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1 vote

It will work, Heatran wouldn't do damage to your substitute anyway. Also, Heatrqan probably wouldn't use fire blast knowing that its a 1/3 chance that it will be countered with flash fire and its also NVE

Source: Lanturn with Volt Absorb in a sub is same as Flash Fire. (I've been in this situation before)

**hope this helps! :D

1 vote

Pokémon with Flash Fire, Motor Drive, Volt Absorb and Water Absorb will still activate when targeted by the corresponding type of attack (this includes Thunder Wave and Will-O-Wisp) if they are behind a Substitute. - from that neoseeker site

1 vote

any type immunity will still be kept when its behind a subtitute
