PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Digital Watch

Comes with the Poketch.


Comes with the Poketch

Memo Pad

>Obtained in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum from the president of The Pokétch Company after obtaining the Coal Badge.


Comes with the Poketch

Pokemon List

Come with the Poketch

Friendship Checker

>Obtained in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum from a woman in Eterna City's Pokémon Center once Team Galactic has been defeated in their building.

Dowsing Machine

>Obtained in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum from Dawn/Lucas upon arriving at the Route 207 entrance to Mt. Coronet (Platinum),

Berry Searcher

>Obtained in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum from a girl in the Berry Master's house in Route 208 after answering "yes" to her question.

Day Care Checker

>Obtained in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum from a man in Solaceon Town's Day Care.

Pokemon History

>Obtained in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum from a man in Solaceon Town.


>Obtained in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum from the Veilstone Department Store at the counter on the second floor.

Analog Watch

>Obtained in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum from a resident of Celestic Town.

Marking Map

>Obtained in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum from the president of The Pokétch Company after obtaining three Gym Badges.

Link Searcher

>Obtained in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum from the president of The Pokétch Company after obtaining five Gym Badges.

Coin Flip

>Obtained in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum from a guest in one of Hotel Grand Lake's suites by Lake Valor.

Move tester

>Obtained in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum from the president of The Pokétch Company after obtaining the Icicle Badge.


>Obtained in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum from the president of The Pokétch Company after obtaining the Icicle Badge.

Dot Artist

>Obtained in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum from a Pokétch developer by Pokémon Rock in Sunyshore City after showing to him a Pokémon with a naïve nature (Rock Climb is required).


>Obtained in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum from a Pokétch developer by Pokémon Rock in Sunyshore City after showing to him a Pokémon with a naïve nature (Rock Climb is required).

Trainer Counter

>Obtained in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum from Professor Oak upon entering Pal Park.

Kitchen Timer

>Obtained in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum from a girl in Pal Park's lobby after showing a Snorlax to her.

Color Changer

>Obtained in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum from a girl in Pal Park's lobby after receiving the Kitchen Timer, then returning and showing a Kecleon to her.

Matchup Checker

>Obtained in Platinum by the entrance of the Great Marsh after catching five Pokémon in a Safari Game.


>Obtained from a Nintendo event.

Alarm Clock

Not in Platium
>Obtained in Diamond and Pearl from a Nintendo event.


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