Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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3 Answers

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Best answer

In game questions are alloud but if your on about on battle subway ill explain.
In game teams can not be rated are not easy to suggest things on, especially if you post your lv 57 - 67 team.
We dont know what moves you have and where abouts in game you are.
Also in game isnt about the greatest team possible, its about completing the story.
All teams must have evs natures and all the other relevent info most of which ingame teams are not known of.

1 vote
  • No in-game team questions (they have too many variables to be useful, and you don't need perfect teams for the story).

Go read the rules.

Go read the rules.

Go read the rules.

Go read the rules.

However, you may ask questions about In-Game on the Pokebase, and you may ask teams for Wifi, as long as they include EVs, Natures, Items, Abilities, etc.

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In-games teams arnt allowed becuase you can beat the story line with any pokemon as seen here theres just no point in rating in-game teams.
