Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Favorite Pokemon is Torchic, is male, name is Enoch. Compare it to our active Enoch-177.

So, did Enoch once have a dupe?

I really doubt it's a dupe with any ill-intention, probably he forgot his password to that one or something. Hard to say.
Yes, trachy identified it long ago. I explained the situation, I still dont remember the password.

Nice catch.

1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

>Hoιγ Σiκe*
>2 minutes ago Already banned

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Um, when was this? 'cause that account is a year old.
Hmm. Just got on chat and saw that quote.. Any idea if it was a troll or dupe?
Yes, trachy identified it long ago. I explained the situation, I still dont remember the password.