Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Well, whenever I type in in the link bar it always leads me to an Error 404 page. It is the site's error page, not the browser's.

I can access the PokeBase, by going to the homepage, then 'Community', then PokeBase Q&A blah blah blah, and it is perfectly fine. I just can't directly do it by typing the actual link.

This started happening when the new site was launched, so it may be related to that.
Can thy webmaster help me? :3

Thank you. :D

Work perfectly fine for me. Hmm. I wonder. my link to the pokebase -
It's the damned forward slash at the end. I clicked your link and it worked fine, thanks.
I still want this fixed, please.

1 Answer

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Best answer

OK looks like it's the forward slash at the end. The proper address is

I'll fix that when I can. Thanks for reporting.

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