Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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the mobile site isnt as comfortable to use as it could be, so i think that having an app would be sweet. id even pay for it. a lot of my time playing pokemon is on the road, so the desktop site isnt really available to me and the mobile site just isnt the best experience. so a quick easy way to get all my pokemondb info would just be a gift of godly proportions

There already is an app...
Where do you find this app?
This is the app that Pokemaster made for the site.
The link does not work.
It should, it does for me
Yeah... that link fails for me too.
Pokemaster discontinued the app. I think he has said he is working on refining the mobile experience though.
The link is for mobile devices such as iPad/Pod touch and smart phones, hence the "m" after the http.//

1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

We used to have an mobile web app but it got discontinued for a few reasons:

  • The new design on the main site is "responsive" so the same page works on mobile and desktop.
  • The old web app was a hassle to maintain and keep updated.
  • We can't have an full app in any of the app stores because Nintendo get them removed.

If you have some specific problems with the mobile site please let me know and I can work on fixing them.

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