Your post needs to be approved by an editor/moderator such as myself. We have plenty of people able to approve content, but we can't always be on so unfortunately there sometimes will be a wait. I don't know the exact point requirement, however I do know that you only need to gain a small amount of points before your posts stop being needed to be approved.
I will go update the waiting content now.
Edit: I've just looked at your content waiting approval and I will be rejecting your Pokebank answer. I will approve your Pokerus answer, but it will be converted into a comment.
The Pokebank question was resolved in September and answering resolved questions is against the rules. As for the Pokerus answer, you provided no source proving it. Saying that you found a pokemon with pokerus in the game 3 days in means nothing. It just means you got lucky. Sorry.
Also welcome to the site, I would reccomend reading the rules to avoid future confusion ;)