Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

On the profile page.


1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

No, if you remove a vote it will not show up on your page. If you downvote, you will lose 2 points and a downvote will be added under "Gave Out". If you remove the downvote by clicking the arrow, you'll lose that downvote from the aforementioned section and gain your points back. If I were to upvote you and then remove it, it will not raise the amount of upvotes I have given out nor take away from point. It won't goes as a downvote or an upvote unless you do the perfromed action and leave it that way.

Hope I helped.

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Just tested out. I downvoted, and I lost 2 points and they said "Gave out: 2 Downvotes".
Then, I removed le downvoted and voted Nick and they said "Gave out: 1 Downvote, 38 Upvotes", and I got back le 2 Points.