Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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So, in an RMT post I forgot natures. How do I edit it?


1 Answer

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Best answer

If you are talking about this one, then no, you can't edit it since it is hidden (it lacks abilities, items, etc.)

But if you ever want to edit a post that isn't hidden, it's simple. Go to the bottom of your post and look to the right. There will be three buttons available: edit, comment and hide. Click the edit button, and from there it's straightforward.

If you have any questions regarding this, leave a comment.

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can u unhide and ill edit it? time limit of 2 hrs
OK I've reshown it. Time limit isn't necessary if you're going to edit.
I cant find the edit button
It should be near the bottom right corner on each of your posts.
If you have a problem finding the edit button for some mysterious reason, then you can follow these steps to edit the post.
1. Hover/long-press where it says "asked", "answered" or "commented" on your post and record the number on the very end of the URL.
2. Go to your address bar and add ?state=edit-NUMBER onto the end, replacing NUMBER with the number you got in step 1.
3. Hit enter/go.
Will also say that sometimes after just posting a question or answer, the edit and comment buttons might not show up until you reload the page.