Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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As you all know, I have had many, many name changes. I started with Munchlax Forever, and after like ten changes here we are. Now say I met a really nice person when I had the name MagikarpShouldBeUber, now that person wants to find my profile so he can message me, but oh wait, no result! So make it so it would redirect to my current profile.

I kinda get what you mean, but it would be difficult without the number system or something similar, since with the current system, the only thing that changes when we change usernames is the name in the URL, so the software can still read either our URL or our IPs (I think, I'm probably wrong). Linking a name to an URL without some IP coding or a system like with numbers would be near impossible for the system to do unless PM manually updates it for every single user who changed names. It would have to be either a number system or for us have access to link via IPs, which probably won't/can't happen.
I swear I suggested this before

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