Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Everytime I try to ask a new LC moveset for a Pokemon it says it's already there!
Funny thing: It's not.
eg; What is a good LC moveset for Bergimite?
I tried that one but it says it has already been asked and when i type in the search box no results come up.


1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

That's just a message to stop people asking mainstream movesets.

Anything with the word moveset comes up with this message, telling you that you can't post it.

Now, I'm pretty sure you can just post the LC set on the mother page, though I'll check that right now. Post the question and see what a Mod says would be my advice, or ask if you can do it right out. But that's the reason the message appears anyway.

Bot didn't ask, so a Mod probably will if you pester them about it.

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