Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Will it show, on their My Updates, "Your question hidden by Leaftail", etc. if I make the fifth flag?

I'm 99% sure that it won't show in the updates but if it does it won't show who flagged it last, so there's no way to tell who hid it.

1 Answer

1 vote

No, it does not. I have been the 5th flag on at least six questions and it did not appear in My Updates. The only time the hiding of a question/answer/comment appears in My Updates is if it's yours.

I meant not on My Updates, me being the one who flagged it fifth, but on the asker's My Updates, the one who's question was hidden by me flagging it.
Oohhh you meant that. No it doesn't, as I have also been on the receiving end of a 5-flag question. It just said my question was hidden, the flagging remains anonymous.
Ok, thanks!