Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Or what if one had 30 on Pokebase and 20 on Meta, and the other had 20 on Pokebase and 30 on Meta? Please don't question my curiosity.

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Arewefreshyet, the rules never said anything about banning duplicate tags.
Yeah I know. I didn't say they weren't allowed e.e. I just thought it unnecessary to write the same tag more than once, so I got rid of a few, as I am allowed to do. I didn't edit your content nor did my retag harm your post in any way. Is there a problem?

1 Answer

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Best answer

They would both be banned (one perma and the other gets a punishment). If the moderator decided that the person didn't deserve perma, then the mod would (eventually) unban the first account, and in some cases let the person decide which account to keep, and ban the other one. It isn't determined by points, it's determined by the user/mod.

Or a mod can correct me if i'm actually wrong, but based on what i've seen here.. i'm pretty sure the above is true.

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Which one would get permanently banned?
Likely the original would not be perma'd and the second would.
Tl;dr a mod decides the punishment length and the user chooses which account takes the perm. Btw a dupe account will always get perm'd from what I remember, it's just the original/chosen account that takes the mod's restrained wrath.
What if they were both registered in the exact same millisecond?
If the user wants to keep an account the other would be perm'd, basically they choose the account they keep. Not like I didn't just say that or anything.
Although if one account was used specifically for spam-upvoting then that one would probably be banned.