Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

I've answered several questions almost an hour ago by now, but it continues to say, "Your answer will be checked and approved shortly."

I can tell you already that it's been a while. How long does it typically take for one's answers to get approved? Am I anxious for a good reason, or do they normally take this long?


1 Answer

1 vote

That message means that your post has been submitted, but is not visible to the public yet, and only will be once a staff member checks and approve it. We - as in moderators and editors - manually check and approve posts from newer users when they make posts. We do this through a section of the site called the admin, which only we can see and access. This system is in place due to the amount of spam and extremely low quality content that often gets posted by new users. This system helps keep the site presentable and in order. However, since this process is done manually by people, the speed at which your posts are approved hinges on whether or not a staff member is online to check the admin, and due to this the process might take a little while. I apologise for the amount of time it took for your posts to be approved; unfortunately, we can't always approve things instantly.

You won't have to deal with this system forever though: once you reach 26 points on PokeBase, you can bypass its approval process and your posts will be shown to the public instantly. This can be done fairly easily; since you start with 20 points, just one vote worth 10 points will bump you over. Alternatively, you can select a best answer on three of your questions to earn the six extra points required.

I just went through the admin and have approved your each of your answers. They are visible to the public now. Again, I apologise for the wait!

Thank you. I can see why you'd do this, due to the amount of trollers on sites like these. It's fine—I fell asleep around four o'clock anyway. It was just frustrating for me at the time, but now that I know the reason I don't blame you.

I now have thirty points on the pokebase because someone upvoted me. I can't see where, though . . . but that's an issue for another time.
I've been waiting 5 hours and my question still isn't approved. I hope I don't have to wait too much longer
I’ve approved it now. I am sorry but you’ll have to be patient with us, we’re not online all the time.
I know it take a while,  but considering the size of the site and the amount of people that use it, i think it is reasonably quick to get your question up. Thanks developers!
I asked this in a question but I always have to wait a pretty long time: why can't I vote people's questions or answers?
Also: why can't I change my username? I've read a answer about it but it says to answer a question and then to check your profile and it will let you change your username
I replied to your message here:
Unfortunately that’s pretty much the way it is, a few hours’ wait is pretty normal. We’re a fairly small mod team and I do most of the heavy lifting — we do our best. Again I’m sorry but you’ll need to be patient with us.
And yes, I know what thread you’re reading. The name change system isn’t always active; the site admin puts up a post periodically the lets you know when he’ll turn it on. That’s when you can change your name via your profile; leaving an answer on the notice post is just so people know what your old name was.
Unfortunately the last one just closed — but provided you haven’t made any posts in a particular section, you should be able to change you username there. Try here:
Sorry again for the inconvenience. I hope this has helped clear things up.
Fizz - if you are doing most of the heavy lifting then kudos to you - this is a ridiculously large site and if you do most of the work, go tell other devs or mods to get on with it! I'm not pointing the finger of blame at anyone, but it should be equally balanced! However I do accept that people are on at different times and you are just on the most. But still you're all amazing!
I think the site in general accepts the devs as part of it and not people - I reckon we should take notice!
Ah no, it’s fine really. It’s all voluntary work so I don’t have any resent over an unbalanced workload — and if I wasn’t around so often, we’d have someone else in my position to keep watch. We’ve all got lives outside this site so we just check around again when we’re free.
The pressure on moderation has actually improved in recent times — perhaps since we’re in an interim period between 3DS and Switch generations, so interest is down somewhat.
Oh if that's it then well done to you anyway!
If anything Pokemaster is the one with of most heavy lifting, considering he's the only one who can actually edit the site itself than just user posts. But other than him I agree Fizz is probably the most active mod here.