Meta-PokéBase Q&A
3 votes

I'll keep this brief.

So, we have a Master List of Pokemon, which I use a lot for quick access to stats, but it would be really useful if I could do that with Mega Pokemon.

Ever since Mega Evolution debuted in Pokemon X and Y, it's always been a challenge for me to figure out which Pokemon to give my valuable mega slot to. So can you make a Master List of Mega Evolved Pokemon with stats?

Actually I'd love this. It's annoying to have to go back and forth between the XY and ORAS Mega pages. Also, maybe have Mega Stones link directly to their respective Pokémon?

2 Answers

1 vote

We do have two pages for XY and ORAS with a basic list.

However, I did already have an idea for a new page with stats like you say, so it's on my todo list. Hopefully I'll get some time soon!

0 votes

It's most probably unnecessary for the others who are accustomed to the Mega-Evolutions.

  1. Open PS!'s teambuilder
  2. Type in "Mega"
  3. Ignore Meganium and start scrolling down through the list

Link to PS!'s teambuilder

But that's on another website. Having a Mega-Dex would take very little, and it could help with team building
Well, that website is still good at providing a master list of mega evolved pokemon with stats. I'll see if I can create one myself
Everything on the DB can be found on Serebii or Bulbapedia. That doesn't mean it can't have more information.
Yeah, I'll just wait for PM's word on this.
poor meganium