Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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I was wondering this a while. Where did Pokemaster find these (lol autocorrect corrected it to die Pokemaster) at all? Or was it just something GameFreak revealed? That’s all. SeeYaLater! And yeah I came back, I will be super active again in 2 days. Weird if I let there be a whole spaced line everything under it looks blank. And now I can’t do it anymore

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1 Answer

3 votes
Best answer

Pokemaster wouldn’t calculate anything by himself. Base stats, along with plenty of other things, are datamined on the day each game releases — prior even, as they are often leaked. (For example, here is a collection of Ultra Sun/Moon leaks from three weeks before the games released.) In other words, people hack the games to get all the raw data.

Then, this data is arranged into tabular form, and then distributed on the internet. Nobody ‘owns’ the base stats for Pokémon, so theoretically you could steal them from anywhere: but some cool people arrange them in programmable formats that you can add to your own database. Pokemaster credits Veekun in his About page, so that’s likely where a lot of data on this site comes from.

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Yeah this is correct. Most of the data in the past few years has come from the data mines, rather than Veekun.
And I do lots of testing and research myself, of course.

Also I *did* calculate stats for Pokemon in X/Y (collaborating with others) as the 3DS has not been data-mined at that point :)
Ah that’s right! I remember people freaking out when they realised how good Aegislash was.
But yeah @SeeYaLater this is because we also know the formula that determines total stats, so you can make good estimations of base stats pretty quickly with a bit of testing.