Meta-PokéBase Q&A
3 votes

Ok, so here's how it would work, it would let you search for different base stats, like if you search for Pokémon with 100 base HP stats, it would show you all the Pokémon with 100 base HP stats.

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Where would you search such things and why?
In "Mechanics". For information.
Showdown!'s /ds command already does this.
Yeah, but it would be good to have on the site.
@sumwun, But it only searches for Pokémon with the highest base stats, but this feature would allow you to search for exactly what you are looking for.
"/ds hp=100" finds all Pokemon whose base HP is exactly 100.
Oh, okay.

1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

I've considered adding an advanced search feature, where you would search Pokemon by various attributes like this.

In the meantime, however, your specific request can be done using the Pokemon list. Sort a column by the stat you're interested in (e.g. HP), then scroll down and all the Pokemon with 100 HP will be grouped together.

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