Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

Like if a person answers a question, and gets a BA, but then another person answers the question, and its not as good as the first one, but it still points something out that really helped the asker, but not as much as the first one, then they could give it a Psuedo Best Answer. It could be worth 10 points (half the points of a BA).

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So a Psuedo Best Answer would give 10 points.
There's really no reason to have a glorified upvote.
Then why is there a glorified BA?
There isn't a glorified BA? I was saying that a "pseudo best answer" would literally just be a glorified upvote. It'd be the exact same thing.
K. (filler)

1 Answer

0 votes
Best answer

This is what upvoting is for. If a question has 2 answers and they both have many upvotes, then they should both be seen a valid and useful answers. That's how you distinguish a "pseudo best answer" from just a regular answer.

If you're really concerned about one answer to your question getting more attention than another, you can simply NOT select a BA for either answer.

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Well spoken, I knew you would say something like this. I don't select an answer as best sometimes.
Oh, Ok.