Meta-PokéBase Q&A
23 votes

Many new users don't know how to choose best answers, i believe it's because the best answer button doesn't stand out at all, it's just a transparent green checkmark. It should probably be bigger and less transparent (or maybe not transparent at all) and it actually says "Best answer" so that there is no way someone would miss it. Many active users like me have more than half of there answers not chosen as best answers even though they're either the only or most upvoted answer. This is a big problem and i would be very glad to see it treated.

This would be great. The amount of new users that doesn't know how to select BA is a little ridiculous. +1
yes (filler)
And maybe add a little bit more about best answers in the rules. +1
Better yet, when creating a new account, a page that explains some of the details like new users questions needs to be manually checked, what flagging does, what each section is supposed to be and also where the check mark for the best answer is. This would be helpful since I doubt people check the meta tutorials when they first join so this would avoid confusion
This is a good idea (although I *had* been lucky in this earlier but not now as I try to answer more questions)
Anyway +1
Great Idea! +1

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