Meta-PokéBase Q&A
3 votes

Switching between different tabs is annoying sometimes. You even have the chance to accidentally close the tab. This folder could just be a little pocket of links so your information is right there and you avoid constantly switching between multiple tabs.

How this would work: You could title the sections. For example:

             *Link to Bulbapedia*
              Sceptile moveset
        *Link to Sceptile moveset*
          Type weaknesses chart
    *Link to type weaknesses chart*

Of course, it would actually have the links to access the different things you need. You could make it a box that you can put on the same screen as the answer you're typing. You could zoom in on the info to make it bigger. If you were to accidentally click the button to close the website, it would show a Confirm/Cancel button. Also, if you type a different answer for a different question, the folder would still be there so you can access the same links and add more.

edited by
how about no
Would you like to explain why not?
Great idea but I think it might be hard to implement
So collapsibles?
^ not a bad idea

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