Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

Hi! A few suggestions, mainly focused on taking advantage of the type charts, especially when dealing with combinations including dual types:

  • for type chart, a sum of strengths/weaknesses at the end of rows/columns
  • a row/column and/or type highlighter/selector
  • for dual-type chart, limiting to only the first 150 pokemon?

A row/column selector would help in navigation and reading.
A type selector on the chart would help see both the attack and defense sides of the same type.

They're based on my first approach for picking my team: to choose a set that covers most situations/types, a limiting factor may be those types with the fewest weaknesses, which would determine some types I must have.
From that idea, several issues and other ideas followed.

Why limit it to only the first 150 Pokémon and not all?
@spook I should've mentioned, narrowing to the first 150 is for Pokemon GO
Good idea ! : D But that stuff would just confuse people ( like your question confuses me ) and make everything too complicated.
@ ceejvic You know, some of us still care about the original series of Pokemon games. Please have some respect.
Me? Its not like I'm saying "this is stupid", I'm not being disrespectful, I just said the question confuses me.

I'm just saying what I think sumwun :(

other people have said how they see this question why cant I ! . . . . . . . . .just cos im new don't mean im stupid/rude!
I think sumwun was making a joke.
When I posted the comment, Dedenne's comment was still pending moderation, so I didn't see it. I was responding to ceejvic's comment. Hopefully my edit made that clearer.
Also, thanks for calling me sumwun and not Sumwun.
I should've mentioned, I was thinking of an *optional limiting to the first 150.
I hope I didn't come out disrespectful in any way, aha.
I'm not offending by your opinions :D aha.
The sums at the end may be too complicated...

1 Answer

1 vote

Continuing my 2-year-delay answering spree :) On your suggestions:

  1. I think this would add too much “noise” to the table. It’s already huge and complicated, and the amount of red/green gives a good indication of how good a dual type is.

  2. I’ve thought about doing this before but never got around to it, so it may happen at some point. It’s super easy to do just row highlighting on tables (like in the Pokedex) but highlighting the column as well takes more code.

  3. This doesn’t make any sense. It’s a type chart, it’s not based on specific Pokemon. There’s no reason to hide Pokemon from the numbers at the side, you can just ignore everything over #151. And there are more than 151 Pokemon in Go now anyway.
