Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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The moves Trick-or-Treat and Forest's Curse can add Ghost/Grass type to a dual type Pokemon, making it a triple typed Pokemon. I've looked a bit and I can't find a triple type type chart anywhere, so I think that it would be useful to have one on this site.

So Pokemon has come to this, 3 types..
Next will be 4 types
Nobody uses those moves in competitive battling. You should be fine.
Introducing, Multimove! Become every type in one!
New move: Omnimove. Is all types and none at the same time.

1 Answer

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Yes, that is a good idea!

Not sure how I could display that though... the dual type chart is incredibly long already, we would need to duplicate again for at least two more types, potentially even more if they add more moves in future. Maybe I could do something like the type coverage and select only 3 types. Watch this space.

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