Meta-PokéBase Q&A
4 votes

I have a suggestion for the main search bar for the whole site. Can you make it so that it opens in the same tab as the searcher? Even if you want it in another tab, you can right-click the link and press "open in a new tab", or just click it with the mouse wheel. If I remember correctly, it takes about 1 line of code to direct where the link will open. It is kind of annoying closing the search tab after finding what you need. It isn't that important, but I would appreciate it if you could. Also, if you don't know what I am talking about, go to the search bar, type in anything that might be on the site, press enter, then go the first link that is not an add. It will open in another tab.

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1 Answer

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Best answer

Yes that makes sense. The search is provided by Google but I found an option to open in the same window.

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