Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

I forgot my password.
Before you are gonna say:Wow wow wow, you can't post this if you don't know what your password is!
No it is possible because I automatically Sign Up I just need to say Log in. But in reality I forgot my password. I don't know if it matters or something but you can't know what can happen. Because my mouse is working really bad too, maybe it can do something to my computer (it normally doesn't but im just saying something let me) if we buy a new computer I could get this lost forever. Most of you are gonna say this: Two words E-mail.
1.That aren't two words.
2.I used the E-mail of my big sister. And i can't Login into her Account just that's like hacking and I reccomend... DON'T HACK SOMEONE OR SOMETHING!!
So I don't know if the Moderators here could give my Password back or i need to make trouble whit my sister.

-SYL, SmartYoungsterLorika or just, Lorika

I wish you a nice day and that you don't forget your password.

edited by
Only Pokemaster could help you with that, as mods do not have access to your email or password.
But it is possible your browser has saved your login details, in which case you could find your password from that. (Google ‘find password from browser cookie’.) Otherwise, main take-away from this is you should use your own email, always. And maybe look into a password tracker like:
Okay. But I did go on my sister's e-mail because i forgot my password from my e-mail so today i tryed to make a new e-mail. So if Pokémaster is online couldn't he do something to send my password to my new e-mail???   


1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

From what you said it sounds like the browser has saved your password and is auto-filling it when you go to log in. In which case you can find your password in your browser settings.

I don't know specifics for all browsers but in Chrome settings there is a link to "all passwords" which gives you a big list of websites and the passwords saved for them. Find and click the eye icon next to the password to see it.

Then if you want to change the password go to your "My Account" page (click your username at the top then "My Account" tab) and go to the bottom of the page.

If you don't have access to the original email address any more, and you are logged in, you can also change your email on the "My account" page,, after which you'll need to confirm it (an email will get sent to the new address).

Hope that helps.

selected by
If she turned off the option "Save Password", she can't see it.
Okay I now have an new password.

And yeah that helped :)