Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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For literally the entire year I’ve been on Database I had no idea I could create tags. Not everyone can create tags, so shouldn’t it count as an extra privilege?

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For the last damn time, please stop making and using stupid, useless tags. The point of tags is to help people more easily find questions, and you're making that harder by using these tags. It isn't funny in any way and it's only an annoyance for me. You get nothing out of it. Thanks.

1 Answer

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TBH I never saw that as a "privilege" per se, I always thought of it more as a restriction for new users. Same way as needing moderation is an initial restriction that's then lifted.

Also, the tag restriction comes from a custom plugin I wrote, and it's not simple to add custom privileges to the list so I never bothered.

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