The quality isn't objective, is the problem. 'Annoying' is subjective, and the questions are not low quality (via the way auth normally judge it, terrible s&g, difficult to understand, easily looked up etc). They do not break the rules in any way and thus we do not have any precedence to hide them. You thinking that the mentioned question is 'terrible' is your opinion. An opinion shared by many, granted, but opinion nonetheless.
The content doesn't break rules in any way so there's no actual reason to hide them other than 'their annoying'. If I were to hide things because they were annoying, huge chunks of the site would be gone lmao.
'Pokemaster may have put up moderators to help keep up the quality of the site, but at the end of the day it's his site. I don't feel right just hiding masses of questions on just my opinion alone especially because what I think and feel might be different from that of other moderators/editors/etc.'
This is just it. Its PMs site and we don't want to go around hiding stuff on our whims.