Meta-PokéBase Q&A
6 votes

Hi, question asking about whether you can post LC questions are constant and there's still some confusion about it so a little PSA on the subject.

First if all, LC Moveset questions are allowed on an 'as needed' basis, i.e. when you need a moveset for a certain mon you can ask the question on it. So yes, it's allowed.

We expect all moveset questions to be written in the same style as the usual moveset questions and post links to the Pokédex page of the Pokémon. They must also use the little-cup tag and the lcmsq tag. Failure to do these things may just lead to the thread being hidden rather than just edited. Make sure you do it yourself if you want to guarantee it stays up.

However, a lot of moveset questions recently got asked at the same time. Doing this clogs down the pokebase meaning that other questions are less likely to get seen, and it promotes low effort spamming of these types of questions for easy points.

To combat this, if any mod or editor feels that there are too many moveset questions being asked, we will hide or close some and then reshow or reopen them later in an attempt to stagger them and prevent them from being obnoxious.

I would also advise that in the future you ask a mod or expert in advance to posting an LC thread to avoid it being hidden in the case of there being too many. It'll just save time.

Comment if you have any questions.

cool :)
eh that's fair

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