Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

This has been asked before, and I highly aware that this suggestion was rejected.

I’m suggesting this for a few reasons. First off, it was last suggested almost 8 years ago. Maybe things have changed since then. Second, I think it would benefit people a quite a bit. With people coming here just spamming and trolling, I think some people would prefer to just have a normal conversation in chat. This would also go for wall posts, since people can spam walls even with the post limit. Lastly, I personally want this, since some users (new ones, to be exact) sometimes really annoy me, and I wish I could just... well.... block them.

So, basically, I’m asking if there could be like a “Block” button or something on everyone’s profile. When you block something, you can’t see their wall posts or their messages in chat.

I hope this is taken into consideration.

Blocking users on chat could lead you to miss out on potentially large parts of the conversation.
Yes, it could. Personally, I’d rather miss out on a large part of a conversation though.
How would the other person know you blocked them? If you tell them, they may get offended. If you dont, they might try to get your attention, and get offended when you ignore them.
Why would you care about offending them? If you blocked a user, I would assume you wouldn’t really care.
I don't know. I thought it might be a point worth bringing up.
Yeah, I see what you were going for. I’ve taken those thing into consideration.
If someone was spamming and trolling then they'd be banned soon. i understand wanting to remove them beforehand, but people would also block people unrelated to anything and I feel like it would generally just clog up the chat and make things awkward to deal with

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