Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

I am incredibly sorry to have to take this approach, But I would love to have a direct conversation with the owner of this site: Pokemaster. I appreciate this unorthodox but I really would appreciate 2 mins of your time.



PM does have a public email I think, I can find it later. But can we ask even generally what matter this is about? Is this a technical issue or something else?
Thanks that is really helpful. It is technical/commercial as the ad set up on the site is not properly optimal/functional.

2 Answers

3 votes

As PX said we have an email address listed on the about page. I also check my Twitter regularly (@pokemondb).

But as you'll notice on the about page we are not interested in ad companies. All emails trying to sell new ad networks and other nonsense are deleted and usually marked as spam.

1 vote

The about page has an email on it, which is probably the most direct way to contact the site owner other than posting here.

The site administrator does also have a discord account, however I am not certain to what extent using that is appropriate. I'll find out and update this later.

Thank you, I really appreciate that, I do not want to be intrusive or come across as pestering, but I do think there is a very interesting conversation to be had. I know PM is based in the UK as am I. Please do let me know if there is any desire to talk directly, I imagine they get approached all the time so it hard to get through all the trash, thanks TB