Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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I believe this question belongs to update site quality.

I have seen for a long time people linking to specific tabs in a Bulbapedia page (or possibly other websites,) instead of linking to the top of the page. If I could find one I would look at the source link to see what's different, but since I've been looking for twenty minutes and can't find a link that does that, can someone explain to me how to do this?

If you don't know what I mean, for example, how can I link to the "Pokemon" tab on this page?

In the case of Bulbapedia, the "contents" tab has links to the different sections of the page. You just copy one of those.

The link for the Pokemon tab on that page looks like this:
Is the contents tab visible on mobile? I can't see it
It's not. Everything's organized into collapsibles on mobile instead of using a table of contents. I'd suggest checking if your browser has a desktop option to access it.
You can also manually type a "#" and the name of a section at the end of your URL.

1 Answer

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The part of the URL following the hash is called the fragment identifier. When you follow a link with this, the browser will skip to the first element in the page whose ID matches the fragment. Many websites besides Bulbapedia use this, including PokemonDB.

Bulbapedia collects anchored links in a table of contents. If you can't see this on the mobile version, use the "request desktop site" feature in the browser overflow menu. You can also type it manually, but be aware it's sensitive to case as well as diacritics (ex: Pokemon won't work if Pokémon does).

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Ok thank you. I'll have to do some messing around with this.

Edit: I understand how to do this now