Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Hey everyone, I consider myself an old friend of this site, always been using it as a neat and aesthetically pleasing site for all my Pokemon Needs, but I have only just thought of registering as a user (yes, beats me why as well).

Might be more of a niche hobby of mine, I really enjoy reading up and comparing how Pokemons are named (more specifically their names in Japanese, Chinese and English). I guess you could call it the etymology/morphology of Pokemon names, I simly love the creativity involved in the naming of Pokemons.

However, I did find many Pokemon entries simply devoid of the usual "Name Origin" section further down the National No. (specifically #892 Urshifu and beyond) . Some do show the "root words" in their "Name Origin" section but only list these words without further elaboration, some examples are #867 Runerigus and #871 Pinurchin.

I did check out the thread "Name Origins corrections" and I do see many users providing some better or more informative intepretations on name etymology (such as for Nickit and Orbeetle) as compared to whats currently available on the official entries. However I guess this observation itself means that the Name Origin section doesn't get too much love hahaha and doesn't get updated that often.

I wonder if there is a reason for this? I don't mean to pry or complain, I am sorry if I sound unappreciative or offend anyone. I am genuinely curious and I would love to offer any help I can if there are any difficulties which has resulted in these observations (disappearance/negligence of the oh-so-precious Name Origin section) that I have made. Cheers and thanks to everyone who has helped to manage/maintain this site, I really appreciate everything that you guys have done!

Thank you for enduring to the end of this long ass read as well. Congrats to the suvivors. Salute to answers in advance.

I hope it's not tooooo weird a question! Please tell me that I am not the only one who loved these LMAO

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To briefly answer your question, the reason why the Etymology page isn't updated as much is because the web master of this site, Pokemaster, very rarely comes here to fix issues. He seems extremely busy in real life. It doesn't really have much to do with the Etymology page getting less attention or any technical difficulties.
Ah I see, I was suspecting the reason to be somewhere along the lines of manpower shortage anyways. I didn't even know that only Pokemaster get to edit and update the Pokemon entries, that's indeed a lot of work. Bless him!

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