Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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so i lost my old account named "neo magius" and i deleted my email in which i made that account. i cant remember the password to my account and i cant reset it since i deleted the email. is there anything i can do?

I know pm can pull a funky but I think he’s the only one who can do anything

1 Answer

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Best answer

Pokemaster can help you get the account back. Send him an email at the address on this page and explain the situation. If you can remember the deleted email address's name (or even just parts of it), then include that because it helps establish that it really is your account.

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thank you
yeah its been like 2 months now and theres no reply :/
well theres nothing you can do about it i guess
sry for reviving this
Remind him. I think it's strange he wouldn't reply at all.
Pm has a history of being forgetful/not checking stuff right away. Like fizz said, don’t be afraid to re-contact him. If you have discord, he also as an account there you can try contacting him from.