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Wall for ~Obstagoon-Marnie~ (page 39)

(Enters desert) cogh cough ACHOOOOOOOO! (Falls into sand) ow ow! Hot sand hkt sand! Lol (lands in trapinchhole) oh great XD
Feb 7, 2021 by Dyla N
I know the feeling. I've become very attached to Pokemon (Colin the Skiddo for instance) and Trainers alike, not to mention characters in other video games.

Also I forgot to mention in the update that I caught a male (obviously) Nidorino named Luke and a male Roggenrola named Junior.
Feb 7, 2021 by Gau
Feb 7, 2021 by Gau
Lh yay a desert XD
Feb 6, 2021 by Dyla N
Nuzlocke update

I decided to play some more X, and made it to Shalour City! And guess what? Ricky the Braixen evolved into Delphox and Colin the Skiddo evolved into Gogoat! Things were going well until Flowairie the Floette fell to Calame's (AKA Calem) Frogadier. So RIP. However, I expect to beat Korrina's Gym when I reach it. I got plenty of Bug-types that resist Fighting-type moves, and a couple Poison-types too. Not to mention Ricky. I'll want to use Ricky against Hawlucha, but maybe the others will be able to handle the rest of Korrina's gang.

Flowairie (Floette) (F)
Ability: Flower Veil
Level: 34
Bold Nature
EVs: 20 HP / 82 Atk / 35 Def / 55 SpA / 26 SpD / 50 Spe
- Fairy Wind
- Petal Blizzard
- Grassy Terrain
- Wish
[I was an idiot fighting Calem in the Tower Of Mastery on 2/6/2021 and my only other Pokemon with a high level was Ricky. However, he was using his Frogadier and I didn't want Ricky to get hit with a Water-type move. So there went my only Fairy type and a member that I planned to use at Korrina's Gym.]

PS: Read the nuzlocke thing on your about me, and I'm pretty sure you've made some progress (99% sure but I have bad memory so if you haven't then I'm a dorkyhead). Good job! You're doing better than me it looks like. XD
Feb 6, 2021 by Gau
Spoink: 9
Jynx: 5
Lickilicky: 6
Whismur: 8
Pansear: 2
Umbreon: 10
Obstagoon: 7
Feb 6, 2021 by Iridacea
I really, really hate obstagoons shiny lol
Feb 6, 2021 by Amethyst
Also if obstagoon is shiny make its score a 2
Feb 6, 2021 by Amethyst
Feb 6, 2021 by themodernage
-Spoink 6
-Jynx 7
-Lickilicky 8
-Whismur 9
-Pansear 8
-Umbreon 8
-Obstagoon 7
Feb 6, 2021 by Amethyst