Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for ~Silver~ (page 7)

Is Kaleb actually banned? Why? I mean, I know Kaleb lied and everything, but you said it wasn’t that big of a deal.
Feb 6 by Anchor9
There's a new user called Diana who started stalking the chat silently 1 minute after she created her account. Can you check to see if she's a Kaleb alt?
Feb 6 by NobleOnion
Both of my parents got job opportunities which is good because our family could really use the money. Hopefully I'll meet Spex, he's been wanting to ever since I told him we're moving, and I also face revealed to him :3
Feb 5 by SmolGlaceon
Hiiiiii, I'm moving to london on Thursday :D
Feb 5 by SmolGlaceon
those guys took my grandmother
Feb 5 by Amethyst
I can't believe they're talking about the br*tish on chat
Feb 5 by Amethyst
my bad
Feb 5 by BM™
Shhhhh what are you doing on my wall
Feb 5 by BM™
I love you too, but we have to talk about your grammar

^ That's a complex sentence lmaooo
Feb 3 by Amethyst
thanks for the BAs bestie but after that grammar test i dont think i can be your friend anymore :pensive:
Feb 3 by Amethyst