Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for ~Silver~ (page 27)

Now I'm not usually one to rant, and I certainly didn't imagine I'd be ranting about this topic in particular, but not acknowledging someone's birthday is unironically really rude, and something that I'd never thought I'd experience.

Now, there are some times where it's okay to not acknowledge someone's birthday, like if you're planning to throw a surprise birthday party, or if you generally didn't know or forgot. In this scenario, both possibilities are immediately crossed out, because you can't exactly throw a surprise party on the internet, and it's not like I didn't make it clear it was my birthday by posting it on my about me, in chat, and changing my Grav to a literal ****ing birthday cake. Now, for this person here, we're not gonna call out any names, but for the sake of the story I'll call them Giru; Giru didn't acknowledge my birthday, which is kinda rude, like I mentioned before. And by that, I mean she didn't say Happy Birthday or anything to me. Childish, I know, but before I can continue, I want to mention a couple of jokes you can make in an occasion like this. Take Hallucinogens for example. He posted "happy birthday, hope you have a nice day turning 6!" on my wall, which acknowledges my birthday and falls in line with my joke of saying I'm younger than I actually am. Or take BM. He has this joke where he says that it's HIS birthday, not mine, but at least he 1, acknowledges I have a birthday, and 2, said "Thanks, you too" in response to my Happy Birthday post on his wall. Now my problem arises when I see that "Giru" posted Happy Birthday on BM's wall and not mine, so I ask, "where's my Happy birthday at?" which she replies, "You don't get one." so I say "Wow, mean." and she says "I didn't see you being any less mean." Now hold on a moment. I was mean? Since when the heck was I mean?! She was the one who didn't wish me a happy birthday how am I mean?! It's not like I didn't wish her a happy birthday, hell, I wished her a happy birthday AND a happy early birthday. It's not like I did anything mean to her on her birthday. I didn't force her to provide both Herba when she invited me to her birthday hunt, I didn't steal a shiny from her, I didn't do anything of the sort. And yet, I'M the mean one here. I mean, after all, your birthday only comes once every 365 days and depending on who you are there's only so much you can do to celebrate the day, so am I wrong for wanting a Happy Birthday from her?! It's the LEAST she could've done. The situation would go on to be her refusing to post the message and instead posting Dragon Ball quotes, which while funny, don't forget what the special occasion was! Now it would be fine and dandy if she posted Happy Birthday or something at the end of the day, but no, she said nothing. Bloody nothing. You know, a birthday is the one day you're supposed to set aside your differences, disregard your previous quarrels, and be nice to someone, which despite the few times I wanted to punch Giru to Mars and suck Mars into a black hole, I was nice to Giru on HER birthday. Like I said before, saying Happy Birthday is the very least she could've done. And now that I've opened up this much, I think I can finally reveal who this mystery person is.
It's Giru.
I know, real shocker, you never could've guessed.

And I just wanted to end this rant of mine by saying that I'm not pissed, just... slightly annoyed. And sorry for ranting on your wall, I needed people to rant to and my homing bullets of anger happened to pick you.
Apr 26, 2023 by Mr. Fish
Apr 25, 2023 by BM™
It is my birthday
Apr 25, 2023 by BM™
thats what i was thinking
Apr 25, 2023 by oamysr25
lmaooo i hope they appreciate the letter

also happy 9k
Apr 24, 2023 by Amethyst
thank you sexy <3
Apr 23, 2023 by Amethyst
Oo thank you
Apr 23, 2023 by MonkeyBusiness
That metronome battle one was a infinite discussion question so it wouldn't get baed
Apr 23, 2023 by MonkeyBusiness
Holy holy we'll need to do more than send help.
Apr 23, 2023 by -RisingManectric-
Wow you've been grinding selecting BA's and editing stuff and whatnot
Nice job, I could never do that without dying multiple times lol
Apr 23, 2023 by PeeKayFreeze