Uhhh X Tyranitar’s are in your kidneys <3333333
Jul 12, 2020
Very fun <3 <3 <3
Jul 12, 2020
*laughs hysterically*
S-su-sure <3
Jul 12, 2020
About 100000000000000000000000000000000000000 <333
Jul 12, 2020
So then me, melcakes, HT, and Nebby were talking to Jason about it. That convo was filled with snarky comments. Which I’m bitter about. Snarky comments are MY thing. So anyway, Glazio joined chat, and Jason hinted towards buddy voting. And obviously HT said that wasn’t allowed, and Jason said it was. So then there was an argument about internet points. And now Jason is mad at me, Nebby, melcakes, and HT. Also, Jason said he was just competitive without apologizing at all later. Check Nebby’s wall for what I said.
Jul 12, 2020
And then Jason posted this on my wall:
Keep going, Y.
Ima give you the BA anyway.
NebbyY gets NOTHING.
6 hours ago by Jason the Sly Nicvee
So then melcakes called him out on it, and I got a bit upset at Jason myself. I mean, Nebby is a friend of mine, and I don’t think that was fair to him. He had the same answer as me, and it was posted first. The only reason mine was selected as the BA was because he didn’t want Nebby gaining more points.
Jul 12, 2020
So then today, I was at a bit of a bump in the road, and I couldn’t seem to answer any questions. Then Jason said he had one, and I gratefully answered. Since, as you know, I have awful WiFi upstairs on my iPad, I broke the answer up and edited it along the way. So then, while I was halfway done, Nebby finished his answer, therefore sniping me.
Jul 12, 2020
Hm? Sure. Well, you see, Nebby and Jason we’re going back and forth with points. Suddenly, Nebby being Nebby, a great answerer, passed Jason up by quite a bit.
Jul 12, 2020
I see ur being filled in about Jason
Jul 12, 2020
i called him out directly on his wall, you can delete posts from other ppl on ur wall
he did it twice and i was gonna drop it after the 1st time, but after that i decided to let ppl in chat know and post it my wall since he wants to act like it didnt happen
Jul 12, 2020