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Wall for Amethyst

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appreciate everything you've done for the site!
Feb 17 by MangoBrick
it's been a very long time, I remember your grind
Feb 11 by ~Dragapulse~
Oof, bye, thanks for all the service you've done.
Feb 10 by DavidVileplume
o7 Amethyst, you hold a special place in our hearts
Feb 9 by ClodOfTheSire
I will behead Pokemaster and present his head to you as a symbol of power
Feb 9 by BM™
Trust me, when Pokemaster realizes he pissed off the Demigod of Chaos, nothing ain’t gon good for him
He’ll either fix this site, or we’ll force him to.
Feb 8 by BananaBroSHSID
i'll do the site justice in your name
Feb 8 by ~Silver~
Aww, why thank you!
Feb 7 by Mr. Fish
Damn, I could understand why you'd want to retire after all this time but it's still sad to see you go. Thanks for everything, man.
Feb 7 by JustATypicalPerson