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Wall for FlappersFlappers (page 10)

Lmao the little demon Impidimp looks like a Slakoth and a Sableye had a baby then shaved it. I hate it so much I love it.
Can't wait to see what this little ******* evolves into XD
Jun 11, 2019 by FlappersFlappers
I'm not sure if I love or hate this dynamax thing, but I'd like to point out that it changes Pokémon's stats and powers up their moves, almost like a hybrid of Mega Evolution and Z-moves, which is unoriginal imo. Suffice to say, I am still pumped for the Gen 8 games, but that is because I am always excited. I guess that has to do with how I enjoy Pokémon (both in the nerdy over-calculated sense and the childhood wondrous sense), which tells me: new region, new Pokémon, new adventure; while also iterating: new Pokémon, new OU, new metagame-new cards, even. :P

I know your not into that metagame stuff, but that and Nuzlockes (and randomizers) are the only things that really keep my friends into the game and I quite enjoy connecting with them in that way. Also, I oddly feel like I can get to know someone more (in a 6th sense kind of way, and moreso how they think) by battling them more. And when I do inevitably battle them again, I see how they've grown, and that just warms my cold damp heart... :P

Didn't mean to say that much, but that much wanted to come out of the keyboard. :P
Jun 11, 2019 by Staka~
Yeah the Dynamax super size thing is lame.
Mega Evolutions changed form and were stronger and cooler
Z moves are like Mega-evos for moves
Dynamax Pokemon are just...bigger...for three turns... And have their stat changed, which you could do on your own anyway. It's so dumb it's almost cringy to me, and seeing how it's like the Gens one big feature, like Z moves were for Alola, and the game is centered around it enough that makes it impossible to avoid...

Almost made me temporarily reconsider getting a Switch (which is a console I already hate) just to play the new games.
  2 days ago by FlappersFlappers

I know it's frickenn dumb
Jun 9, 2019 by Syl ™
Ahhh that's so cuuute!
Jun 9, 2019 by Syl ™
oh no not the danger nuggets!

Also did you know you can see the back of their eyes through their ears? And their legs look unnaturally long.
Jun 9, 2019 by cranpper
TIL that baby owls look slightly terrifying
Jun 8, 2019 by cranpper
Pokemon won't be the same anymore. To me, gens 4 and 5 were the absolute perfect games. Ever since gen 6, I just started to stay more away from the newer games. Gen 7 was good, but not as good as older games. We can't blame the company since each game is specified towards a newer generation of kids. I actually had hope for gen 7, but that's going down the hole, even if the games didn't come out. I'll still get them just to see.
Jun 7, 2019 by CC ☽
Jun 7, 2019 by PsyKlone
Sup. :P

The direct was cool. Dynamax is interesting, and may let us catch wild Weavile, which is generally cancer to get in most games *cough* SM *cough*. :P

Jumpluff isn't great anyways. I think Eldegoss is going to be a specially Defensive Tangrowth, which would be cool. :P

Corvikight is Skarmory #3, but he looks like he'd be a cool Tank, and I'm all about Pokémon that can take hits. :P

I've noticed that Zamazenta has red where Zacian is blue and Vice Versa. Also, Zamazenta has considerably darker shades of red and blue than Zacian. :P
Jun 6, 2019 by Staka~
Can't be the only one that heard this when seeing the Dynamax thing
Jun 5, 2019 by FlappersFlappers